
You support and thus encourage the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community in its various projects. You can join as an individual at an annual cost of $35.
Individual members, officials representatives of LGBT groups and members of partner groups are entitled to attend general meetings, voice their opinions and vote. They also have the right to participate in various working committees. They are eligible to apply as administrators of the Corporation.
Please complete the individual form.
Is a member of the Corporation. any physical or legal person who:
- supports the objectives of the Corporation
- applies for membership
- pays a fee set up by the Board of Directors
- is accepted by the Board of Directors by resolution duly adopted
section 2.1
ls an individual member of the Corporation any physical person. If they so request, any volunteer who works at least five hours per month at the CCGLM, since at last three months, becomes a member without having to pay dues for the first year.
section 2.2.1
Is a group member any community organization or association that provides services or activities to gays and lesbians. The organization must have its registered office in the main intervention territory of the CCGLM.
section 2.2.2
Is a partner group member any community organization or association, without regard to sexual orientation, which supports the organization’s mission and works together with the CCGLM. The organization or association must have its registered office in the main intervention territory of the CCGLM.
section 2.2.3
Is an associate member any gay and lesbian organization that does not have its registered office in the main intervention territory of the CCGLM, and other community organization, foundation, business and institution.