Overcoming sexual violence

Works to identify, support, and heal individually and as a community
It is with great pride that we introduce the first collection on sexual violence within LGBTQ+ communities in a Quebec library!
The Open Book Library of the Montreal LGBTQ+ Community Centre has been developing a new collection on sexual and domestic violence anchored in the principles of intersectionality (which recognizes the various forms of dominance and discrimination experienced by an individual). With this collection, we aim to increase access to narratives that are more inclusive than those typically circulated within Quebec and Canadian society, providing better representation for those members of LGBTQ+ communities who are also members of ethnocultural communities.
This collection exists to bring about public awareness, support professionals and to help deconstruct heteronormative, racist and cissexist biases that pervade discussions on sexual assault, domestic violence and sexual exploitation.
With this collection on sexual violence, the Library commits to implement a culture of consent and benevolence among the people of its communities as well as within society as a whole.
This initiative is supported by the Government of Quebec.
Selection process
Works selected for acquisition have been peer reviewed. Thus, three committees of experts from the fields of research, from LGBTQ+ organizations, and from libraries and archives, met between the months of June and October 2019 to ensure the quality and the relevance of the selected works in particular regarding the themes of sexual assault, intimate partner violence and sexual exploitation.

The members of the peer reviewing committees
Jade Almeida
Estelle Bourbeau
Nicolas Chantigny
Jennifer Dion
Ariane Marchand-Labelle
David Phung
Mitchell Rae
Kanica Saphan
Sylvie Thibault
Professor of social work, University of Quebec in Outaouais

Media Kit
Complete Bibliography
Valérie Rioux
Project manager
Flo Vallières
Translation of promotional material